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MDEF 2010

The sixth Workshop MDEF (Modelli Dinamici in Economia e Finanza) will be held in Urbino from 23 to 25 of September 2010. Like in the previous MDEFs, the official language of the workshop is English. The workshop program will start on the morning of Thursday 23, and will end at lunch time of Saturday 25.
The conferences of the workshop will be given at  Palazzo Battiferri,  where the Faculty of Economics of the University of Urbino  is located, in the Centre of the Renaissance City, very close to the famous Ducal Palace.

The registration fee is 250 Euros.
It includes: 5 meals (3 lunches, a dinner, a "social dinner"), the coffee-breaks, the workshop material and the social events.

On the evening of Thursday 23 the participants are invited to a music concert.  
The evening of Friday 24 a special dinner will be offered at the University College, 1 Km far from the city center.

Rooms at the Albergo Italia, a *** Hotel in the city centre, see:
have been reserved for the workshop at prices in the range 45-55 Euros per night (including breakfast).
Participants are kindly requested to contact the hotel before May 31, and specify the name of the workshop, by e-mail, fax or telephone:
tel. (+39) 0722 2701      fax: (+39) 0722 322664


The fee must be paid by one of the following ways:

- a bank transfer to: Banca delle Marche SpA-Filiale di Urbino
(IBAN code) IT78 I 06055 68700 00000 0013137

Indicate clearly (causale): COD. 8861 - name and surname- MDEF 2010 Dipartimento di Economia
and please send by fax (+39 0722 305550) or email  (
a copy of the bank document for the transfer

- By sending a cheque, payable to DEMQ-Dipartimento di Economia e Metodi Quantitativi

 to the following address:  

Mary Braga, DEMQ, via Saffi n.42,  I- 61029 URBINO (Italy)
 with an attached letter indicating clearly:
fee of (name and surname) for MDEF-2010

- By cash at arrival in Urbino

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Registration form
(send by e-mail to    or by fax at (+39) 0722 305550)

Workshop: MDEF2010
Modelli Dinamici in Economia e Finanza
Urbino, September 23-24-25, 2010

Name and Surname: ..................................

University: ..............................................

Address: .................................................

E-mail: .....................................................

I booked a room at the hotel "Albergo Italia"

I booked a room at the hotel .......................

I will pay the fee of 250 €  by

- bank transfer

- by sending a cheque

- by cash at my arrival

I will present a talk with (tentative) title  ......................................................
(I shall send a 1-page abstract before August 15, 2010)

I shall not present a talk