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First Announcement
The second Workshop MDEF (Modelli Dinamici in Economia e Finanza) will be held in Urbino from 26 to 28 of September 2002. Like in the first workshop, MDEF-2000, the official language of the workshop is English.
The workshop program will start on the morning of Thursday 26, and will end at lunch time of Saturday 28.
The lectures  will take place at the University College "Il Colle", like for  MDEF-2000, and in the same College the coffee-breaks, lunches and dinners will be served.

The evening of Thursday 26 a concert of classical music will be given in a room of the recently restored building Palazzo Battiferri, in the city centre, where the Faculty of Economics of the University of Urbino  is located.

The evening of Friday 27 a special dinner will be offered at the University College "Il Colle".

Like for MDEF-2000 single and double rooms in the same College will be available for the participants, provided that they choose this kind of accomodation (equivalent to a ** hotel) in the attached registration form.

The fee is 330 Euros. It includes 3 nights (single or double room + breakfast) at the University College "Il Colle", 5 meals (3 lunches and 2 dinners, one of which is a special "social dinner",  5  coffee-breaks and the workshop material).

It should be paid by a bank transfer to:
Conto Tesoreria dell'Universita' degli Studi di Urbino,  n.   201.30
Banca delle Marche SpA-Filiale di Urbino  ABI 06055  CAB 68700
Indicate clearly (causale):  fee for Workshop MDEF2002  (Prof. Bischi)

Invited speakers

Invited speakers include:
Volker Böhm,University of Bielefeld, Germany
Carl Chiarella,  School of Finance and Economics, University of Technology, Sydney
Paul Embrechts, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology di Zurigo
Michael Kopel, Vienna University of Technology, Dept. of Managerial Economics, Vienna.
J. Barkley Rosser,  Jr., James Madison University, Harrisonburg, USA
Tönu Puu, CERUM centre for Regional Sciences, Umea (Sweden)
Jan Wenzelburger, University of Bielefeld

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