

Lupini R., Pellacani C., Gardini Laura. "Transition to chaos in a three modes model of forced, dissipative flow in a rotating fluid" in LETTERE AL NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI FISICA, vol.42 , 7—12
Gardini Laura, Servida A., Morbidelli M., Carrà S.. "Use of orthogonal collocation on finite elements with moving boundaries for fixed-bed catalitic reactor simulation" in COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, vol.9 , 1—17


Lupini R., Pellacani C., Gardini Laura. "Stability of axisymmetric motions in a rotating, inviscid atmosphere" in MECCANICA, vol.19 , 188—195


Gavallotti P, Celeri G., Leonardis B., Gardini Laura. "Calculation of multicomponent multiphase equilibria" in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, vol.35 , 2297—3304