Gian Italo Bischi
Full Professor of Mathematics for Economics and Social Sciences
University of Urbino Carlo Bo
Department of Economics, Society, Politics (DESP)
via Saffi n.42, 61029 URBINO (Italy)
e-mail: gian.bischi@uniurb.it
mobile (+39)333 1866284
Home: via Gorizia 12, 61033 Fermignano
Gian Italo Bischi
- Born in Urbino on 31. 01. 1960. Married to Nadia and father of Matteo
- 1984. Graduated in Physics, cum laude, at the Bologna University, with a thesis on numerical methods in Seismology.
- 1985-1987. Researcher and teacher at ENI (Italian National Society for Energy).
- 1987-1994. School Teacher of Mathematics and Physics and research collaborator at the Institute of Biomathematics of Urbino University.
- 1994-2000. Assistant professor in Mathematics for Economic Applications at the Faculty of Economics of Urbino University.
- 1997-2003. Contract professor of "Mathematical methods for economcs" at the University of Catania.
- 2000-2002. Associate Professor of Mathematics for Economic and social applications at the University of Urbino.
- 2002 to present. Full Professor of Mathematics for Economic and social applications at the University of Urbino.
Main research interests
Qualitative theory of nonlinear dynamical systems and their applications to the description of complex systems, ranging from physics and biology up to economics, environment and social sciences, with the related concepts of stability, bifurcations and deterministic chaos, also in connection with dynamic game theory, in particular evolutionary games. Popularisation and communication of mathematical ideas, with a particular focus on connections between science and other cultural fields, from literature to art.