Research papers


Bischi G.I., Tramontana Fabio. "An evolutive model of boundedly rational consumer with changing preferences and reference group consumption" in Annals of Operations Research DOIwww
Bischi G.I.. "Discrete dynamical systems in economics: two seminal models and their developments" in "Difference Equations, Discrete Dynamical Systems and Applications". S. Olaru, J. Cushing, S. Elaydi and R. Lozi , 217-249 Springer . 2024 DOIwww
Bischi G.I.. "From Samuelson’s multiplier-accelerator to bifurcations and chaos in economic dynamics" in Decisions in Economics and Finance DOIpdf


Bischi G.I., Tramontana Fabio. "A dynamic model of adaptive consumers with endogenous unimodal preferences" in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol.117 DOIwwwpdf
Bacchiocchi Andrea, Bellocchi Alessandro, Bischi G.I., Travaglini Giuseppe. "A Non-linear Model of Public Debt With Bonds and Money Finance" in Economia Politica DOIwww
Bischi G.I., Sbragia Lucia. "Evolutionary Dynamics in Heterogenous Oligopolies for the Exploitation of Renewable Natural Resources" in Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali , n.1 , 35-64 DOIwwwpdf


Bischi G.I., Tramontana Fabio. "A model of consumer choice with bounded rationality and reference quantity" in International journal of Applied Behavioral Economics, vol.11 , n.1 DOIwwwpdf
Bacchiocchi Andrea, Bischi G.I.. "An Evolutionary Game to model Offshoring and Reshoring of Production between Developed and Developing Countries" in International journal of Applied Behavioral Economics, vol.11 , n.1 DOIwwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio. "Evolutionary oligopoly games with cooperative and aggressive behaviors" in Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, vol.17 , n.1 , 3-27 DOIwwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Giombini Germana, Travaglini Giuseppe. "Monetary and fiscal policy in a nonlinear model of public debt" in Economic Analysis and Policy, vol.76 , n.December 2022 , 397-409 DOI
Bacchiocchi Andrea, Giombini Germana, Bischi G.I.. "Non-performing loans, expectations and banking stability: A dynamic model" in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol.157 , 111906 DOI
Bischi G.I., Grassetti Francesca, Sanchez Carrera Edgar J.. "On the economic growth equilibria during the Covid-19 pandemic" in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol.112 DOIwwwpdf


Bischi G.I.. "Dante Alighieri Science Communicator" in Substantia, vol.5 , n.2 , 7-17 DOIwwwpdf
Radi Davide, Lamantia Fabio, Bischi G.I.. "Offshoring, Reshoring, Unemployment, and Wage Dynamics in a Two-Country Evolutionary Model" in Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol.25 , n.3 , 705-732 DOIwwwpdf


Bischi G.I., Matsumoto Akio, Sanchez Carrera Edgar J.. "Foreword to the SCED Special Issue on Nonlinear Social Dynamics" in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol.52 , 236-237 DOIwwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Pediconi M. Gabriella, Tramontana Fabio. "Heuristics, psychological biases and (bounded) rationality in economic behaviour" in "Rational Animals. Seven essays on reason’s fields of application". Giorgio Grimaldi and Marialuisa Parise (eds.) , 31-52 . 2020 wwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Favaretto Federico, Sanchez Carrera Edgar J.. "Long-term causes of populism" in journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination DOIwwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio, Scardamaglia Bruno. "On the influence of memory on complex dynamics of evolutionary oligopoly models" in Nonlinear Dynamics DOIwwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura, Naimzada Ahmad .K.. "Path Dependence in Models with Fading Memory or Adaptive Learning" Szidarovszky and Bischi (Eds) , 33-67 Springer . 2020 wwwpdf


Bischi G.I., Merlone Ugo, Pruscini E.. "Evolutionary dynamics in club goods binary games" in journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol.91 , 104-119 DOIpdf
Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio, Radi Davide. "Evolutionary oligopoly games with heterogeneous adaptive players" "Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial organization, vol I, Theory"L. Corchón and M. Marini Chapter12, , 343-371 Edward Elgar Pub. . 2018 wwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Kopel Michael, Lamantia Fabio, Radi Davide. "Knowledge spillovers, congestion effects, and long run location patterns" "The Economy as a Complex Spatial System" P. Commendatore et al. from Springer Proceedings in Complexity , 192-215 Springer-Open . 2018 DOIpdf


Bischi G.I.. "Book review of Wilson, David S. and Alan Kirman (eds): Complexity and evolution: toward a new synthesis for economics" in journal of Economics DOIwwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Cerboni Baiardi Lorenzo. "Bubbling, Riddling, Blowout and Critical Curves" in journal of Difference Equations and Applications, vol.23 , n.5 , 939–964 DOIwwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Merlone Ugo. "Evolutionary minority games with memory" in journal of Evolutionary Economics, vol.27 , n.5 , 859-875 DOIpdf
Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura, Sushko Iryna. "Periodicity Induced by Production Constraints in Cournot Duopoly Models with Unimodal Reaction Curves" Springer DOI


Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio, Viganò E.. "Evolutionary oligopoly models of commercial fishing with heterogeneities" in , 203-232 Springer wwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio, Radi Davide. "Qualitative Methods in Continuous and Discrete Dynamical Systems" in , 1-159 Springer wwwpdf


Bischi G.I., Cerboni Baiardi Lorenzo. "A dynamic marketing model with best reply and inertia" in Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol.79 , 145-156 DOIwwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Naimzada Ahmad .K.. "A Kaleckian Macromodel with Memory" "Cycles, Growth, and The Great Recession Economic reflections in Times of Uncertainty" A. Cristini, S. Fazzari, E. Greenberg, R. Leoni Chapter7, , 103-116 Routledge, London . 2015 wwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio, Radi Davide. "An evolutionary Cournot model with limited market knowledge" in journal of Economic Behavior & organization, vol.116 , 219-238 [JEBO Top 10 Most Cited papers since 2014, as of 12/01/2019] DOIwwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Cerboni Baiardi Lorenzo. "Fallacies of composition in nonlinear marketing models" in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol.20 , 209-228 wwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Cavalli Fausto, Naimzada Ahmad .K.. "Mann Iteration with Power Means" in Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, vol.21 , n.12 , 1212-1233 DOIpdf
Bischi G.I., Cerboni Baiardi Lorenzo, Radi Davide. "On a discrete-time model with replicator dynamics in renewable resource exploitation" in journal of Difference Equations and Applications, vol.21 , n.10 , 954-973 DOIwwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio. "R&D Networks" in "Complexity and Geographical Economics". P. Commendatore, S. Kayam, I. Kubin Springer . 2015 wwwpdf


Bischi G.I., Kopel Michael, Szidarovszky F.. "A note on the paper 'On dynamical multi-team Cournot game in exploitation of a renewable resource'" in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol.62-63 , 34-35 wwwpdf
Bischi G.I.. "Adaptive and evolutionary mathematical models in economics" Contributi del centro linceo interdisciplinare "Beniamino Segre", Volume 131 , 179-196 Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Scienze e Lettere, Roma . 2014 pdf
Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio, Tramontana Fabio. "Sliding and oscillations in fisheries with on-off harvesting and different switching times" in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol.19 , 216–229 wwwpdf


Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio, Radi Davide. "A prey-predator fishery model with endogeneous harvesting strategy switching" in Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol.219 , 10123–10142 pdf
Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio, Radi Davide. "Multi-species exploitation with evolutionary switching of harvesting strategies" in Natural Resource Modeling, vol.26 , n.4 , 546-571 wwwpdf


Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio. "A dynamic model of oligopoly with R&D externalities along networks- Part II" in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol.84 , 66–82 pdf
Bischi G.I., Radi Davide. "An extension of the Antoci-Dei-Galeotti evolutionary model for environment protection through financial instruments" in Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, vol.13 , 432-440 pdf
Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio, Sushko Iryna. "Border Collision Bifurcation in a simple oligopoly model with constraints" in International journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, vol.26 , n.2 , 121-135 pdf
Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio. "Routes to complexity induced by constraints in Cournot oligopoly games with linear reaction functions" in Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, vol.16 , n.2 pdf


Bischi G.I., Merlone Ugo. "An adaptive dynamic model of segregation" in ""Nonlinear economic dynamics"". T. Puu and A. Panchuck , 191-205 Nova Science publishers, New York . 2011 pdf
Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura, Mira Christian. "Contact bifurcations related to critical sets and focal points in iterated maps of the plane" in "Proceedings of the International Workshop "Future Directions in Difference Equations"". Eduardo Liz and Víctor Mañosa, Volume 69 from Colección Congresos , 15-50 Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo . 2011 wwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio. "Knowledge accumulation in an R&D network" in Nonlinear economic dynamics , 209-224 Nova Science publishers, New York pdf


Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura, Tramontana Fabio. "Bifurcation Curves in Discontinuous Maps" in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, vol.13 , n.2 , 249-267 pdf
Bischi G.I., Merlone Ugo. "Binary choices in small and large groups: a unified model" in Physica A, vol.389 , 843-853 DOIpdf
Bischi G.I., Merlone Ugo. "Global dynamics in adaptive models of collective choice with social influence" in ""Mathematical modeling of collective behavior in socio-economic and Life Sciences"". G. Naldi, L. Pareschi and G. Toscani , 223-244 Birkhauser, Boston . 2010 pdf
Bischi G.I., Tramontana Fabio. "Three-dimensional discrete-time Lotka-Volterra models with an application to industrial clusters" in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations , n.15 , 3000–3014 pdf


Bischi G.I., Merlone Ugo. "Global Dynamics in Binary Choice Models with Social Influence" in journal of Mathematical Sociology, vol.33 , 277–302 pdf
Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura, Merlone Ugo. "Impulsivity in binary choices and the emergence of periodicity" in Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society volume 2009, vol.2009 DOIpdf
Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura, Merlone Ugo. "Periodic cycles and bifurcation curves for one-dimensional maps with two discontinuities" in journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theory, vol.7 , n.2 , 101-124 pdf
Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio, Sbragia Lucia. "Strategic interaction and imitation dynamics in patch differentiated exploitation of fisheries" in Ecological Complexity, vol.6 , 353–362 pdf


Bischi G.I., Sbragia Lucia, Szidarovszky F.. "Learning the Demand Function in a Repeated Cournot Oligopoly Game" in International journal of Systems Science, vol.39 , n.4 , 403–419 pdf


Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio. "Harvesting dynamics with protected and unprotected areas" in journal of Economic Behavior and organization, vol.62 , 348-370 pdf
Gardini Laura, Bischi G.I., Mira Christian. "Maps with Vanishing Denominators" in Website: , 16970 wwwpdf
Bischi G.I., Naimzada Ahmad .K., Sbragia Lucia. "Oligopoly Games with Local Monopolistic Approximation" in journal of Economic Behavior and organization, vol.62 , 371-388 pdf


Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura, Mira Christian. "Basin fractalizations generated by a two-dimensional family of (Z1-Z3-Z1) map" in International journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol.16 , n.3 , 647-669 pdf
Bischi G.I., Tramontana Fabio. "Basins of attraction in an evolutionary model of boundedly rational consumers" in PU.M.A.(PUre Mathematics and Applications), vol.16 , n.4 , 345–363 pdf
Bischi G.I., Gallegati M., Gardini Laura, Leombruni R., Palestrini A.. "Herd Behavior and Non-Fundamental Asset Price Fluctuations in Financial Markets" in Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol.10 , 502-528 pdf
Antonelli G., Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio. "Mathematical Bioeconomic Modelling of the Interaction between Aquaculture and Open Sea Fisheries" in The Economics of Aquaculture with respect to Fisheries pdf
Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura, Kopel Michael. "Noninvertible maps and Complex basin boundaries in dynamic economic models with coexisting attractors" in Chaos and Complexity Letters, vol.2 , n.1 , 43-74 pdf
Agliari Anna, Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura. "Some Methods for the Global Analysis of Closed Invariant Curves in Two-Dimensional Maps" in ""Business Cycle Dynamics - Models and Tools"". Springer-Verlag Chapter1, , 7-48 . 2006 pdf


Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio. "Coexisting attractors and complex basins in discrete-time economic models" in "Nonlinear Dynamical Systems in Economics - CISM Lecture notes". M. Lines, Volume 476 , 187-231 Springer . 2005 pdf
Bischi G.I., Kopel Michael, Szidarovszky F.. "Expectation-Stock Dynamics in Multi-Agent Fisheries" in Annals of Operations Research, vol.1 , n.137 , 299-329 pdf
Agliari Anna, Bischi G.I., Dieci Roberto, Gardini Laura. "Global Bifurcations of Closed Invariant Curves in Two-Dimensional maps : A Computer Assisted Study" in International journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol.15 , n.4 , 1285-1328 pdf
Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura, Mira Christian. "Plane Maps with Denominator. Part III: Non simple focal points and related bifurcations" in International journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol.15 , n.2 , 451-496 pdf


Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio. "A Competition Game with Knowledge Accumulation and Spillovers" in International Game Theory Review, vol.6 , n.3 , 323-342 pdf
Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio, Sbragia Lucia. "Competition and cooperation in natural resources exploitation: An evolutionary game approach" in ""Game Practice and the Environment"". C.Carraro and V.Fragnelli Eds. , 187-211 Edward Elgar Publishing . 2004 pdf
Bischi G.I., Delli Gatti D., Gallegati M.. "Financial Conditions, Strategic Interaction and Complex Dynamics: a Game-theoretic Model of Financially Driven Fluctuations" in journal of Economic Behavior and organization, vol.53 , n.2 , 145-171 pdf
Bischi G.I., Chiarella Carl, Kopel Michael. "The Long Run Outcomes and Global Dynamics of a Duopoly Game with Misspecified Demand Functions" in International Game Theory Review, vol.6 , n.3 pdf


Bischi G.I., Dawid H., Kopel Michael. "Gaining the Competitive Edge Using Internal and External Spillovers: A Dynamic Analysis" in journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol.27 , 217-219 pdf
Gardini Laura, Bischi G.I., Mira Christian. "Invariant Curves and Focal Points in a Lyness Iterative Process" in International journal of Bifurcation and Chaos special issue Proceedings ECIT 2000, vol.13 , n.7 , 1841-1852 pdf
Bischi G.I., Kopel Michael. "Long run evolution, path dependence and global properties of dynamic games : A tutorial" in Cubo A Mathematical journal, vol.5 , n.3 , 437-468 pdf
Bischi G.I., Kopel Michael. "Multistability and path dependence in a dynamic brand competition model" in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol.18 , 561-576 pdf
Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura, Mira Christian. "Plane Maps with Denominator. Part II: Noninvertible maps with simple focal points" in International journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol.13 , n.8 , 2253-2277 pdf
Dieci Roberto, Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura. "Routes to complexity in a business-cycle model described by a noninvertible triangular map" in Cubo A Mathematical journal, vol.5 , n.3 , 367-396 pdf
Bischi G.I., Dawid H., Kopel Michael. "Spillover Effects and the Evolution of Firm Clusters" in journal of Economic Behavior and organization, vol.50 , 47-75 pdf


Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio. "Chaos Synchronization and Intermittency in a Duopoly Game with Spillover Effects" in ""Oligopoly Dynamics: Models and Tools"". T. Puu and I. Sushko editors , 195-217 Springer Verlag . 2002 pdf
Bischi G.I., Lamantia Fabio. "Nonlinear Duopoly Games with Positive Cost Externalities due to Spillover Effects" in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol.13 , 805-822 pdf
Agliari Anna, Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura. "Some methods for the Global Analysis of Dynamic Games represented by Noninvertible Maps" in ""Oligopoly Dynamics: Models and Tools"". T. Puu and I. Sushko editors Chapter3, , 31-83 Springer Verlag . 2002 pdf
Bischi G.I., Kopel Michael. "The Role of Competition, Expectations and Harvesting Costs in Commercial Fishing" in ""Oligopoly Dynamics: Models and Tools"". T. Puu and I. Sushko editors Chapter4, , 85-109 Springer Verlag . 2002 pdf


Bischi G.I., Kopel Michael. "Equilibrium Selection in a Nonlinear Duopoly Game with Adaptive Expectations" in journal of Economic Behavior and organization, vol.46 , n.1 , 73-100 pdf
Dieci Roberto, Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura. "From bi-stability to chaotic oscillations in a macroeconomic model" in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol.12 , 805-822 pdf
Bischi G.I., Marimon R.. "Global Stability of Inflation Target Policies with Adaptive Agents" in Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol.5 , n.2 , 148-179 pdf
Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura, Mira Christian. "Maps with a Vanishing Denominator. A Survey of some Results" in Nonlinear Analysis, vol.47 , n.4 , 2171-2185 pdf
Bischi G.I., Dieci Roberto, Rodano G., Saltari E.. "Multiple attractors and global bifurcations in a Kaldor-type business cycle model" in journal of Evolutionary Economics, vol.11 , 527-554 pdf
Dieci Roberto, Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura. "Multistability and role of noninvertibility in a discrete-time business cycle model" in Central European journal of Operation Research, vol.9 , 71-96 pdf
Bischi G.I., Kopel Michael, Naimzada Ahmad .K.. "On a rent-seeking game described by a non-invertible iterated map with denominator" in Nonlinear Analysis, vol.47 , n.8 , 5309-5324 pdf
Bischi G.I., Mroz L., Hauser H.. "Studying basin bifurcations in nonlinear triopoly games by using 3D visualization" in Nonlinear Analysis, vol.47 , n.8 , 5325-5341 wwwpdf
Hauser H., Mroz L., Bischi G.I., Gröller E.. "Two-level volume Rendering" in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol.7 , 242-252 wwwpdf


Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura, Kopel Michael. "Analysis of Global Bifurcations in a Market Share Attraction Model" in journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol.24 , 855-879 pdf
Bischi G.I., Naimzada Ahmad .K.. "Global Analysis of a Duopoly Game with Bounded Rationality"
In Filar J.A. et al., Editorr, Advances in Dynamic Games and Applications Volume 5 from Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games
Page 361-385 Birkhauser . 2000
361-385 pdf
Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura. "Global Properties of Symmetric Competition Models with Riddling and Blowout Phenomena" in Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol.5 , 149-160 pdf
Bischi G.I., Mammana C., Gardini Laura. "Multistability and cyclic attractors in duopoly games" in Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol.11 , 543-564 pdf
Bischi G.I., Valori V.. "Nonlinear effects in a discrete-time model of a stock market" in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol.11 , 2103-2121 pdf
Kopel Michael, Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura. "On new phenomena in dynamic promotional competition models with homogeneous and quasi-homogeneous firms" in "Interaction and Market Structure. Essays on Heterogeneity in Economics". D. Delli Gatti, M. Gallegati and A.P. Kirman, Volume 484 from Lecture notes in Economic and Mathematical Systems , 55-87 Springer-Verlag . 2000 pdf
Bischi G.I., Mira Christian, Gardini Laura. "Unbounded sets of attraction" in International journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol.10 , n.6 , 1437-1469 pdf


Gardini Laura, Bischi G.I., Abraham R.. "A bridge between Whitney's fold and cusp and the critical curves in two-dimensional endomorphisms" in "Grazer Mathematische Berichte (special issue Proceedings ECIT96)". Volume 339 , 167-180 . 1999
Gardini Laura, Bischi G.I., Fournier-Prunaret Daniele. "Basin boundaries and focal points in a map coming from Bairstow’s methods" in CHAOS, vol.9 , n.2 pdf
Gardini Laura, Bischi G.I., Fournier-Prunaret Daniele. "Characterization of basin boundaries in Bairstow’s iterative methods" in "Annales Mathematicae Silesianae (special issue Proceedings ECIT98)". Volume 13 , 119-130 . 1999 pdf
Barucci Emilio, Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura. "Endogenous fluctuations in a bounded rationality economy: learning non perfect foresight equilibria" in journal of Economic Theory , n.87 , 243-253 pdf
Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura. "Focal points and basin fractalization in two classes of rational maps" in "Grazer Mathematische Berichte (special issue Proceedings ECIT96)". Gardini et al., Volume 339 , 61-84 . 1999
Gardini Laura, Bischi G.I.. "Focal points and focal values in rational maps" in "Grazer Mathematische Berichte (special issue Proceedings ECIT96)". Gardini, Forti, Gronau and Paganoni, Volume 339 , 149-166 . 1999
Agiza Hamdy Nabih, Bischi G.I., Kopel Michael. "Multistability in a Dynamic Cournot Game with Three Oligopolists" in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol.51 , 63-90 pdf
Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura, Mira Christian. "New phenomena related to the presence of focal points in two-dimensional maps" in "nnales Mathematicae Silesianae (special issue Proceedings ECIT98)". Volume 13 , 81-90 . 1999
Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura, Mira Christian. "Plane maps with denominator. Part 1: some generic properties" in International journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol.9 , n.1 , 119-153 pdf
Bischi G.I., Gallegati M., Naimzada Ahmad .K.. "Symmetry-breaking bifurcations and representative firm in dynamic duopoly games" in Annals of Operations Research, vol.89 , 253-272 pdf
Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura, Mira Christian. "Unbounded not diverging trajectories in maps with a vanishing denominator" in "Annales Mathematicae Silesianae (special issue Proceedings ECIT98)". Volume 13 , 91-102 . 1999 pdf


Bischi G.I.. "Compartmental analysis of economic systems with heterogeneous agents: an introduction" in ""Beyond the Representative Agent"". A. Kirman and M. Gallegati Eds. Chapter7, , 181-214 Elgar Pub. Co. . 1998 pdf
Bischi G.I., Delli Gatti D., Gallegati M.. "Macroeconomic fluctuations with heterogeneous agents" in ""Beyond the Representative Agent"". A. Kirman and M. Gallegati Eds. , 215-232 Elgar Pub. Co . 1998 pdf
Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura. "Role of invariant and minimal absorbing areas in chaos synchronization" in Physical Review E, vol.58 , n.5 , 5710-5719 pdf
Bischi G.I., Stefanini Luciano, Gardini Laura. "Synchronization, intermittency and critical curves in a duopoly game" in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol.44 , 559-585 pdf


Bischi G.I., Gardini Laura. "Basin fractalization due to focal points in a class of triangular maps" in International journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol.7 , n.7 , 1555-1577 pdf
Bischi G.I., Naimzada Ahmad .K.. "Global analysis of a nonlinear model with learning" in Economic notes, vol.26 , n.3 , 143-174 pdf


Bischi G.I.. "Relaxation time and damping characteristics in transient dynamics of a microalgal population model" in "Topics on Biomathematics". I. Barbieri, E. Grassi, G. Pallotti, P. Petazzoni , 95-101 World Scientific . 1993


Beretta Edoardo, Bischi G.I., Solimano Fortunata. "An optimal control problem for the administration of a drug by using red blood cells as bioreactors" in "Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol.326: The use of resealed erythrocytes as carriers and bioreactors". M. Magnani and J.R. DeLoach, Volume 326 , 247-253 Plenum Publishing Company . 1992 pdf
Bischi G.I.. "Effects of time lags on transient characteristics of a nutrient cycling model" in Mathematical Biosciences, vol.109 , 151-175 pdf


Bischi G.I., Solimano Fortunata, Magnani M.. "A three-compartment mathematical model for drug administration by using red blood cells as bioreactors" in "Resealed erythrocytes as carriers and bioreactors". R. Green and J.R. DeLoach (Eds.), Volume 81 from Advances in Biosciences , 17-27 Pergamon Press . 1991


Solimano Fortunata, Bischi G.I., Bianchi M., Rossi L., Magnani M.. "A nonlinear three-compartment model for the administration of 2’,3’-Dideoxycytidine by using red blood cells as bioreactors" in Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, vol.52 , 785-796
Beretta Edoardo, Bischi G.I., Solimano Fortunata. "Stability in chemostat equations with delayed nutrient recycling" in journal of Mathematical Biology, vol.28 , 99-111 pdf


Beretta Edoardo, Bischi G.I.. "Stability and Hopf bifurcations in some nutrient-species models with nutrient cycling and time lags" in "Biomedical Modelling and Simulations". Levine and Eisenfeld (Eds.) , 175-181 J.C. Baltzer AG Scientific Publishing Co. . 1989


Beretta Edoardo, Bischi G.I., Solimano Fortunata. "Oscillations in a system with material cycling" in journal of Mathematical Biology, vol.26 , 143-167 pdf
Beretta Edoardo, Bischi G.I., Solimano Fortunata. "Oscillations of a biotic species feeding on an abiotic resource" in "Biomathematics and Related Computational Problems". L.M. Ricciardi (Ed.): , 121-131 Kluwer Academic publishers . 1988